2021-08-19 MA-ATR Release Notes

2021-08-19 MA-ATR Release Notes

  1. The generic https://apps.fallingcolors.com URL will no longer redirect to the Massachusetts ATR log-in page. To access the ATR homepage directly, please update any bookmarks you use to https://apps.fallingcolors.com/mass-atr/

  2. Coordinators and Oversight users will have access to a new "30-Day Check-in" tracker. This tracker will display all clients with active enrollments who have not had a note tagged as “Progress Note/check-in”, “Sober Home”, or “Miscellaneous” in the past 30 days. The tracker can be filtered by Coordination Location (multiselect) and by Coordinator (multiselect). It includes the following information: Client ID, Client Name, client phone & email, Coordinator name & location, intake date, disenrollment date, and date/creator/type of last check-in note. The columns can also be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the column header.

3. The “30 Day Check-In” client note tag has been renamed “Progress Note/check-in”. Any client with a note previously tagged as “30 Day Check-In” will now have that note tagged as “Progress Note/check-in”.

4. When creating a Client Note, it is now required to add a Tag to the note. This will not affect previously existing notes that did not have a tag. There are six options for tags: Progress note/check-in, Sober Home, CBI, Recovery Coach, Miscellaneous, or Consent. Multiple tags can be selected for the same note. Coordinators will have the ability to add all six tags. Vendors can add a CBI, Recovery Coach, or Consent tag. Oversight users can add a Miscellaneous or Consent tag.

5. The Invoice List report has been enhanced. This report is made available to Approvers and Payors, and is only accessible from the Invoices Dashboard.

This is a 2-in-1 report. It includes:

  1. Invoice-level data (made available with the 'Detail' option in the Type drop-down)

  2. Line item-level data(made available with the 'Invoice Detail' option in the Type drop-down)

  3. *Only invoiced line items will appear

The Status column options include:

·        ‘New Invoice’ is displayed for any invoice in the Pending Approval (any status within this phase)

·        ‘Approved’ is displayed for any invoice in Pending Payment: Awaiting Action

o   There is an exception to this: if the invoice is reset, and sent back to Pending Payment: Awaiting Action. In this case, ‘Awaiting Action’ is displayed in the status column.

§  Note: In the Status drop-down filter, there is no ‘Awaiting Action’ status. The invoice will still appear in the list if the ‘Any’ option is selected.

·        ‘Submitted to BSAS’ is displayed for any invoice in Pending Payment: In Process

o   This invoice phase and state is achieved by taking the ‘First Level Payment Approval Complete’ action

·        ‘Paid' is displayed for any invoice in Invoice History: Paid

·        ‘In Review’ is displayed for any invoice with an In Review status (this can be applied to both the Pending Approval and Pending Payment phases)

·        ‘Administrative Hold’ is displayed for any invoice with an Administrative Hold status (this can be applied to both the Pending Approval and Pending Payment phases)

Note: The Line Item Amount column includes the base fee and checkwriting fees, as applicable.

6. The CBI Activity Report has also been enhanced. It can be accessed from the Invoice Dashboard or the Provider Overview screens:

This is a 2-in-1 report. It includes:

  1. CBI Activity

  2. Session-level data (available upon loading the report)

  3. Upon loading the report, all participants registered in a session where the session’s start or end date fall within the range filters will be displayed (even if 0 hours are logged)

  4. CBI Activity Detail

  5. Client-Session-level data (accessed via Attendance Hours drill-throughs)

  6. View all hours logged in the corresponding session, for that client

  7. View all comments in the corresponding session, for that client

  8. See if hours logged in the session for that client have already been billed

This report can be filtered by Program and Coordination Agency (both drop-down lists):

This report contains new columns for Coordinator, Coordination Agency, Coordination Location, Participant ID, and Phone Number.

Participant is no longer clickable; instead, Total Attendance Hours will be clickable and brings you to the CBI Activity Detail view (specific to the corresponding client). If a session’s start or end date falls within the selected date range, then the session will be displayed on the report with all participants. The Total Attendance Hours represents the total hours logged for that client in that session, regardless of which days (classes) those hours were logged (i.e., the date filters do not affect the displayed Total Attendance Hours).

Attendance (Time Period) is also clickable - If a session’s start or end date falls within the selected date range, then the session will be displayed on the report with all participants. Attendance (Time Period) represents the number of hours that were logged for that client in that session within the selected date range.

Note: only non-zero numbers are clickable.

7. The GPRA Statistics Report has also been enhanced. It can be accessed from the Invoice Dashboard or the Provider Overview screens:

This is a 2-in-1 report. It includes:

  1. GPRA Statistics

o   Provider-level GPRA data

§  View Follow-Up GPRA data for each provider

§  Each row represents a provider; each row is expandable to show the Coordinators at each provider

§  Each non-zero value displayed on the report is clickable; the GPRA Statistics Detail Records view will be displayed after clicking a teal link

§  The detail view will be filtered according to the number that was clicked to load the report

GPRA Statistics Detail Records

o   Client-Coordinator-level or Client-Provider-level GPRA data

§  View Follow-up GPRA data for the selected client, provider/coordinator and GPRA type/GPRA compliance status

·        Each value on the report is now a clickable link which takes users to the GPRA Statistics - Detail view. This view will display filtered data according to the value that was clicked to load the detail view.

o   E.g., if you click the Intakes link shown in the provider rows, then the detail view will show all clients at that provider with a completed Intake. Similarly, if you click the Intakes link shown next to a coordinator, underneath the provider rows, then the detail view will show all clients at that provider and associated with that coordinator with a completed intake.

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