Participant Enrollment

Participant Enrollment

Participants need to be enrolled in the ATR program. A standard participant is active in the program for 6 months. Participants can be disenrolled (deactivated) and later reenrolled in a different grant.

To View a Participant’s Enrollment(s):

From the Participant’s Dashboard:

  1. Click the Enrollment tab. Active and Disenrolled project enrollments will be displayed in cards, with the most recent at the top.

  2. For each enrollment, you will be able to view:

    1. The Grant name (top-left)

    2. Enrollment status (color badge at top-right)

    3. Enrollment Date

    4. Disenrollment Date (if it exists)

    5. Disenrollment Reason (if disenrolled)

    6. Participant Coordinator

    7. Referral Provider and Program

    8. Total Budget

    9. Remaining Budget


To Enroll a Participant:

  1. Click the +Create New button.

  2. Click Total Participant Budget and enter the budget amount.

  3. Click or Tab to the Coordinator field and select the participant’s coordinator.

  4. Click or Tab to the Coordinator Location field and select the participant’s coordinator location.

  5. Click or Tab to the Enrollment Date field and enter the participant’s date of enrollment for ATR. (Note: The system will auto-calculate and display the Disenrollment Date.)

  6. Click or Tab to the Grant field and select the appropriate grant.

  7. Click Save. (Note: The system will auto-calculate and display the Days Remaining in the Program.)


To Dis-Enroll a Participant:

  1. Click the View icon to view a Participant’s enrollment.

  2. Click the Disenroll button.

  3. Click the Reason field drop-down and select the reason. (Note: The system will display a free text Other field if Other is selected.)

  4. Click the Submit button. The client is now disenrolled in the Project.

To Reactivate an Enrollment for a Participant:

  1. Users with Coordinator and/or Oversight roles can reactivate a client’s enrollment, as long as the enrollment budget is still open (meaning that the enrollment dates are still within the timely file restrictions). By clicking Reactivate, users can set a new disenrollment date, as well as edit other info, if needed. This will set any associated referrals that had been terminated by disenrollment to “Active” status.


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