2021-06-23 MA-ATR Release Notes

2021-06-23 MA-ATR Release Notes

Release Summary:

  1. The Active Clients, Clients Pending Assessments, and Referrals trackers have been enhanced to support additional fields and filter options.

  2. The Checks tab on the client dashboard has several new features:

  3. Coordinator and Oversight users will receive a confirmation dialog when cancelling a check request.

  4. Coordinator and Oversight users can edit check requests that are in “To be written” status.

  5. Check requests will include a new “Notes” field.

  6. The Checks module now supports printing of one or more checks in a batch.

  7. The Notes tab on the client dashboard now has an optional “Tagging” functionality.

  8. Referrals can now be printed in a similar manner to checks.

  9. Several editors within the User Profile manager have been enhanced for better look and feel.

Release Detail:

Several trackers have been enhanced to support additional fields and filter options:

Coordinator and Oversight users can now use the Active Clients tracker to view the Intake Date, Disenrollment Date, and Funds Remaining for each actively enrolled client. The client list can now be filtered by Location, and a multi-select option is now available for the Coordinator filter.

Coordinator and Oversight users can now use the Clients Pending Assessments tracker to view the Coordinator, Coordination Location, and Enrolled On date for each client with a pending assessment. The client list can now be filtered by Location and Coordinator.

Coordinator and Oversight users can now use the Referrals tracker to view client ID, client email, total and remaining units, enrollment dates, and referral creation date for each client referral. A Provider filter has been added that supports selecting multiple Providers at one time to filter by.

The Checks tab on the client dashboard has several new features:

Coordinator and Oversight users will receive a confirmation dialog when cancelling a check request.

Coordinator and Oversight users can edit check requests that are in “To Be Written” status. Check requests that have been generated by the processing of Work Study Benefit attendance hours cannot be edited or deleted.

Check requests will include a new “Notes” field. This field is distinct from the existing Remit To field.

Clicking on the indicated icon will allow notes to be viewed in a popup window on the Checks tab of the client dashboard.

These notes will appear in the Dialog and Print views inside the Checks module on each check request. These views can be selected with the icons indicated below.

The Checks module now supports printing of one or more checks in a batch, by selecting the indicated Print button. If no checks have been selected, the Print All button will be displayed and will open a print preview window to print all checks in the current filtered view.

Checkwriters can select one or multiple checks by clicking anywhere within the check card, except for the input area (where information is entered on the right side). If one or more checks are selected, the Print Selected button will be displayed and will open a print preview window to print all selected checks in the current filtered view. Checks can be deselected by clicking on the check card again.

The Notes tab on the client dashboard now has an optional “Tagging” functionality. Coordinators and Oversight users can optionally select a tag from the indicated drop-down list to attach to a note.

Referrals can now be printed in a similar manner to checks. The print functionality is available in three places: from the Referrals tracker, on the list of Referrals on the client dashboard, and on the individual Referral editor.

Referrals tracker:

Client dashboard tab:

Referral editor:

The User Profile manager has been enhanced. The menu displayed below in the top right of the screen has the same options as before. However, some of the pages themselves have been enhanced for better look and feel.

Clicking on Update Profile brings up the new Profile editor. Additionally, the Email field will alert a user if they attempt to enter an email that is already in use.

Clicking on Change Password brings up the new Password editor. Follow the criteria listed on the right to change your password. You will also need to enter your existing password.

Clicking on Manage Notifications brings up the new Notification editor. This editor allows optional selection of receiving email notifications based on a specific action.

Access Different Section, Contact Support, and Logout options work the same way as before.