2021-01-19 MA-ATR Release Notes

2021-01-19 MA-ATR Release Notes

Release Summary

The MA-ATR portal has been upgraded to include the following new enhancements:

  1. CBI providers can now remove clients from class rosters

  2. GPRA Follow-up + Discharge combined assessment

  3. New Oversight role (for AHP staff) has been created

  4. Enhanced “Notes” features for Coordinators and Oversight

  5. Expanded access to CBI Activity report

Release Detail

  1. CBI providers will notice a new “Remove” button on the roster screen, allowing them to easily remove a client from one session and register them in another. This button is available when a client is registered in a session but tuition has not been billed and no attendance hours have been logged. After removing them from the session, they will appear again in “Pending Registration” to be registered in a new session.


  2. The GPRA now supports the ability to enter a combined follow-up and discharge survey, greatly reducing the number of questions Coordinators are required to complete when a discharge and follow-up occur simultaneously by sharing responses to most sections while including both follow-up status (section I) and discharge status/services received (sections J and K) questions.

  3. A new user role called “Oversight” has been assigned to AHP staff, giving them the ability to change client budgets and to enter Job Readiness and Job Training Graduation assessments. More functionality will be granted to this role in future releases to allow AHP staff more configuration capabilities.

  4. Coordinators and AHP staff can now view notes entered by any provider on the client’s Notes tab.

  5. The CBI Activity Report is now available to checkwriters.


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