Participant Surveys

Participant Surveys

Coordinators and Providers can enter surveys for Participants.

To Add a Survey

From the Participant’s Dashboard-Coordinator

  1. Click the Surveys tab. The system will display survey cards for the available surveys for the participant.

  2. Click the Start New button for the appropriate survey. The system will display the questions.

  3. Click answers and enter free text in the sections of the survey.

  4. Click Save and Exit to save a survey in process or Click Complete Survey to save a completed survey.

From the CBI Roster-CBI Provider

  1. Clicks the Fill Out Survey button. The system will display the questions.

  2. Click answers and enter free text in the sections of the survey.

  3. Click Save and Exit to save a survey in process or Click Complete Survey to save a completed survey.


  • As you fill out the survey, you can move sequentially through questions with the Previous & Next buttons or jump between questions using the navigation bar on the left.

  • Notice the checkmarks indicating completed questions, and the counters indicating how much of each section and the entire document you’ve completed.

  • As you add information to the survey, your changes will automatically be saved. You can see whether all changes have been saved by looking at the bottom right of the current question.

  • You can collapse or expand sections to quickly navigate through the survey.

  • Warning indicators, looking like Stop signs will appear if your answers to any questions are incomplete or incorrectly formatted.

  • These indicators will appear beside the question, and at the top of any section containing questions needing attention.

  • GPRA Intake, Follow-Up, Follow-Up + Discharge, and Discharge surveys will have certain information pre-filled when a new survey is created. This includes the client’s Coordination Location, the name of the user filling out the survey, some of the Planned Services section of the Intake survey, the HIV-related questions in the Discharge survey, and some of the Services Received sections of the Discharge survey.

After a survey has started or completed the survey card will display the survey status, administered by, date last updated, and allow you to perform additional functions, such as download a PDF of the survey.

For some surveys, you will have an option to Copy the survey forward-create a new copy that you can edit.

For some surveys, if the survey is incomplete you will have an option to Edit (go back into the survey and continue to fill it out) , an option to Delete the survey, and an option to Download a PDF copy of the survey.

GPRA Surveys will be uploaded to SPARS nightly.