Career Services

Career Services

Coordinators can view and Career Services Providers can create courses, enroll and disenroll participants, and record attendance and completion.

To view Pending Registrations

Click the Pending Registration tracker. Referred participants that have an accepted referral and are not yet enrolled in a course are displayed.

To view the Course Catalog

Click the Course Catalog tracker. Courses that have been created are displayed.

  1. A “Sort by” selection is provided to allow users to sort the list of sessions in ascending or descending order by Start Date, End Date, amount of Participants, and whether or not the session contains one or more clients that are Eligible for Billing. The Sort By selection will remain even if you log out and then in again. Additionally, you can filter the list of sessions by Time Period: Past, Current, or Future. Past is defined as any session with the end date before the present day. Future is defined as any session with the start date after the present day. Current is defined as any session with a start date up to and including the present day, and an end date from the present day onward. Finally, you can also filter the Course Sessions list with text using the “Enter search text” box on the left.

To view Participants Eligible for Tuition Billing

Click the Eligible for Tuition Billing tracker. Courses that have attendees eligible for billing are displayed.

To view Comments entered for a Participant

  1. Click the Eligible for Tuition Billing tracker. Courses that have attendees eligible for billing are displayed.

  2. Click the Comments icon for the appropriate participant. Comments entered by the Career Services Provider are displayed.

  3. Click the back arrow on your browser to return to the previous screen.


  1. Click the Course Catalog tracker.

  2. Click Sessions.

  3. Click Participants.

  4. Click the Comments icon for the appropriate participant. Comments entered by the Career Services Provider are displayed.

  5. Click the back arrow on your browser to return to the previous screen.

To Add a Session for a Course-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Course Catalog tracker.

  2. Click the Start Date and click date.

  3. Click the End Date and click date.

  4. Click the Create Session button. The Sessions tracker is increased by 1 for the newly created session.

Tip: If a session is 1 day-Enter the Start Date as the day of the session and then End Date as the day after the session.

To View Courses at a Specific Location

  1. Click the Location drop-down and click a location to select one or more locations to filter by. This list will be populated based on the locations of sessions that you have access to. You can also filter this list with text, and sort the list in ascending or descending order by Name, Tuition, or Sessions. The Sort By selection will remain even if you log out and then in again.

To Add Participants to a Course Session-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Pending Registration tracker. Referred participants that have an accepted referral and are not yet enrolled in a course are displayed.

  2. Click the Select Session drop-down and click a session. The participant is now enrolled in the session for the course.

Tip: Session start date should be on or after the referral start date, and Session end date must be on or before planned disenrollment date.

Clicking “Filter” will bring up the option to filter this list by custom text search, as well as by a list of any Course with an active pending registration.

A user with a Vendor role at the referred-to location has the ability to both Assign the client to a Session, as well as Terminate the referral from this screen if desired.


Clicking Assign will display a drop-down of available sessions. After selecting a session, click Refresh next to the Filter button to confirm the client’s registration and remove the record from the pending registration screen. Additionally, navigating away from this page will save the change and the client will be successfully registered in the session.

Clicking Terminate will display a drop-down of possible reasons. Select a reason and click Confirm to Terminate the referral. This will remove the record from the pending registration screen.

To View a Participant’s Career Services Status - Coordinator

A participant’s Career Services Status, for any course sessions they are enrolled in, can be viewed in their record under the “Career Services” tab.


To Delete Participants from a Course Session-Career Services Provider

Tip: Participants can only be removed if no Attendance Hours have been recorded for them.

  1. Click the Course Catalog tracker.

  2. Click Sessions for the course. All sessions are displayed.

  3. Click the Participant button. All participants are displayed.

  4. Click the Remove button for a participant. The participant is removed from the course and placed back on the Pending Registration list.

To Change Session Dates-Career Services Provider

The Career Services module provides the ability for Vendors to edit the start and end dates of Career Services sessions, even if the session has started and/or participants have been enrolled. The session dates cannot be changed in a way that would exclude any date from the session that already has attendance hours recorded for any participant.

  1. Click the pencil icon to bring up the Edit Session Details window.

Hovering over the small icon indicated by the arrow below will provide more information about valid dates for selection if a situation exists that will prevent choosing certain dates. Type in a date or use the calendar picker to select a valid start/end date to change for the session.

To Delete a Session-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Course Catalog tracker.

  2. Click Sessions for the course. All sessions are displayed.

  3. Click the Delete button for a session that has 0 Participants. The session is deleted and no longer displayed on the sessions list.

Tip: A session cannot be deleted if Participants have been added.

To Add Attendance to a Session-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Course Catalog tracker.

  2. Click Sessions for the course. All sessions are displayed.

  3. Click the Attendance button. All participants are displayed.

  4. Click the session date on the calendar.

  5. Click the Hours Attended for a participant and click the # of hours they attended for that date/session. Repeat for each participant. The system will display the # of hours attended and calculate the # of unbilled hours based on each entry.

  6. Click the Comments field for a participant and enter comments as needed. The system will bundle attendance hours entered and create checks to be written requests every Sunday night.

Tip: Attendance Hours can only be entered as a whole number with no decimal places.


To Bill for Tuition for Participants-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Eligible for Tuition Billing tracker. Courses that have attendees eligible for billing are displayed.

  2. Click the Eligible for Billing button for the appropriate course.

  3. Click the Click to bill button for the appropriate participant. (Participants are only eligible for billing after they have attended the minimum required hours for a course) The system will create payable services nightly. The Click to bill button will change to Billed.

Tip: Tuition can only be billed for a participant after the Course Probation Period has expired.

To Disenroll/Drop a Participant from a Course-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Course catalog tracker.

  2. Click Sessions for the course. All sessions are displayed.

  3. Click the Participants button. All participants are displayed.

  4. Click the Set Status button for the appropriate participant.

  5. Click the disenroll date from the calendar.

  6. Click Incomplete.

  7. Select a reason for incompletion. If you select other, you will need to specify a reason.

  8. Click Confirm. The participant is now disenrolled from the course and the Set Status button is changed to Incomplete with the date displayed.

To Complete a Participant in a Course-Career Services Provider

  1. Click the Course Catalog tracker.

  2. Click Sessions for the course. All sessions are displayed.

  3. Click the Participants button. All participants are displayed.

  4. Click the Set Status button for the appropriate participant.

  5. Click the completion date from the calendar.

  6. Click Complete.

  7. Click Confirm. The participant has now completed the course and the Set Status button is changed to Complete with the date displayed.


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