Check Requests

Check Requests

Coordinators can request for checks to be written, and checkwriters can manage checks to be written, checks to be delivered, and void checks as needed.

To Add a Check Request - Coordinator

From the Participants Dashboard

  1. Click the Checks tab.

  2. Click the + Request New button.

  3. Click the Service Category drop-down and click the category.

  4. Click the Service drop-down and click the service.

  5. Click the Service From field and click or enter the date.

  6. Click the Service To field and click or enter the date.

  7. Click the Checkwriter drop-down and click checkwriter.

  8. Click the Amount field and enter the $ amount.

  9. Click or Tab to the Remit to and enter the participant’s name and address.

  10. Click to Tab to the Notes field and enter notes as needed.

  11. Click Save.

To Edit a Check Request - Coordinator

From the Participants Dashboard

  1. Click the Checks tab.

  2. Click the Edit Icon for the Check. (Note: Only checks to be written can be edited. WSB checks cannot be edited.)

  3. Make the required changes and click Save.

To Write/Issue a Check - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

On the screen, the system will allow you to Sort by Amount or Coordinator and Show All, To be Written, To be Delivered, Delivered, and Voided Checks. The default view is To Be Written.

  1. Select the Check Number field and enter the check number.

  2. Click the View or Print Icons to view and/or print the check details.

  3. Click the Date icon and select the date written or manually enter it as MM/DD/YYYY. The check disappears from the Checks to be Written list and is moved to the Checks to be Delivered List.

To Deliver a Check - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

  1. Click the Show drop-down and click To be Delivered. The system displays all checks to be delivered.

  2. Click Deliver Check for the appropriate check/participant. The check disappears from the Checks to be Delivered list and is moved to the Delivered List. The system will bundle all checks delivered and generate billable services for the check amount and admin fee nightly.

To Void a Check - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

  1. Click the Show drop-down and click To be Delivered or Delivered. The system displays all checks to be delivered or all history.

  2. Click Void Check for the appropriate check/participant. The check disappears from the Checks to be Delivered or Delivered list and is moved to the Voided list. The system will bundle all checks voided and generate billable services for only the admin fee nightly.

To Find a Check - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

  1. To match a phrase. Click the search box, enter text, and then click ‘Enter’ on the keyboards or tab out of the search box. The system will then apply filtering matched across the following check attributes: Client, Coordinator, and     Service.

  2. You can also filter by Status, Coordinator Location, Coordinator, or enter a Date Range.

To View Check History - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

  1. Click the Show drop-down and click All. The system displays all checks for the Provider.


To Create a CSV File - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

  1. Click the “Save as CSV” button at the top-right of the screen.

  2. Based on what checks are appearing due to your filters, a CSV file of check information will be downloaded by your browser and can be viewed in Excel or an equivalent application.

  3. Information is provided for the following datapoints:

    1. Client ID

    2. Client DOB

    3. Enrollment Date

    4. Fund Source

    5. Coordinator Name

    6. Coordination Location

    7. Service Name

    8. Service Category

    9. Status

    10. Check Number

    11. Date Written



To Print a Check - Checkwriter

From the Checks Home Page

  1. To print all checks click the Print All button.

2. To print selected checks click anywhere within the check card, except for the input area (where information is entered on the right side). If one or more checks are selected, the Print Selected button will be displayed and will open a print preview window to print all selected checks in the current filtered view. Checks can be deselected by clicking on the check card again.