Services - Vendor

Services - Vendor

To register a client, review our guide here: Client Registration

Overview Tracking

Corrections Required

  1. Click View underneath the Corrections Required icon.

  2. Any Invoices that have been flagged as Corrections Required by the Lead Agency or Payor are displayed for you to make corrections on.

Pending Invoices

  1. Click View under Invoice History.

  2. The invoices screen will display, defaulted to the current fiscal year listing pending approval and/or payment invoices.

  3. Enter filter critieria.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Invoices meeting the entered criteria are displayed.

Invoice History

  1. Click View under Invoice History.

  2. The invoices screen will display, defaulted to the current fiscal year listing processed invoices.

  3. Enter filter critieria.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Invoices meeting the entered criteria are displayed.


  1. Click Run Report drop-down and click report.

  2. Click Date From calendar and click date.

  3. Click Date To calendar and click date.

  4. Click any other search criteria fields and click entry.

  5. Click Run Report.

  6. Report details are displayed.

  7. Click on the arrows to navigate to additional pages of the report.

  8. Click on the Save and/or Print icons to print/save the report in excel, word, or pdf.

 Tip: To change the search criteria re-click the dates and re-click run report.

Client Tracking

Active Clients 

From the Overview page:

  1. Click View underneath the Active Clients icon.

  2. A list of clients whose most recent Mandated Data record is not a Deactivation record is displayed.

Deactivated Clients

From the Overview page:

  1. Click View underneath the Deactivated Clients icon.

  2. A list of clients whose most recent Mandated Data record a Deactivation record is displayed.

Checkin Required

From the Overview page:

  1. Click View underneath the Checkin Required Clients icon.

  2. A list of clients who are activated in a financial project (i.e., Claims) and ​​have a Mandated Data Check-In due date of 90 days or less. Check-Ins are due every 210 days, with a 90-day notification window, thus, if a check-in has not been provided within the past 120 days, the client will appear on this list. Icons are used to indicate proximity to the 210-day 'limit' - red means late, orange means a Check-in is due within 30 days, yellow means a Check-in is due within 60 days, and blue means a Check-in is due within 90 days.​

Project Specific Tracking

From the Home screen:

  1. Click the Project Name on the left navigation toolbar.

  2. Project-specific trackers are displayed.

Clients Pending Assessments

  1. Click View underneath the Clients Pending Assessment icon.

  2. A list of clients who have required Assessments as part of their project is displayed.

  3. Click a Client ID to be taken to their client dashboard Surveys tab.

Unassigned Clients

  1. Click View underneath the Unassigned Clients icon.

  2. A list of clients who have been referred and are not assigned to a staff person at your location as part of their project is displayed.

  3. Click a Client ID to be taken to their client dashboard Projects tab.

Assign a Staff Person to the Client

From the Client’s Dashboard Projects Tab:

  1. Click Assign.

  2. Click the Staff Member drop-down and click the appropriate staff member.

  3. The assigned staff member is displayed with the Date.

Un-Assign a Staff Person from a Client

From the Client’s Dashboard Projects Tab:

  1. Click Un-Assign.

  2. The project is now displayed with the client as un-assigned with the Date.

To Refer a Client

From the Client’s Dashboard Projects Tab:

  1. Click Refer.

  2. Click the Project drop-down and click the appropriate Vendor.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. The Referral is displayed with the Date and User.


From the Client Dashboard:

  1. Click the Surveys tab.

  2. Surveys for the client and project will display.

  3. Click Start New to begin a new Survey.

  4. Surveys allow the user to answer the questions and click Previous and Next to navigate between questions.

  5. Click on a section on the left navigation to see questions associated with that section of the survey.

  6. Click Exit to exit the survey without answering any questions.

  7. Click Save and Exit to save a survey in process.

  8. Click Complete and Submit to finish a survey and submit and save all answers.

  9. The completed survey is displayed with the overall score, the person completing it, and the date completed.

  10. Click the … to view options applicable to that survey such as Edit, Copy, Delete, and Download a PDF.

Tip: As surveys are completed they will display a lock button to now allow further edits

Individual Services

From the Client Dashboard:

  1.  Click the Services tab.

  2. Current Services for the client will display.

 Tip: As Services are added the (0) on the tab will update.

To add an Individual Service

  1. Click Add Service drop-down and click the service.

  2. The Service will be displayed with required fields and document spaces.

  3. Fill in required fields, upload any required document(s), and click Save.

  4. Service is listed in the Service Table.

To delete a Service:

  1.  Click the Trash Can for a listed Service. A service can only be deleted if it has not been invoiced.

  2. Click Yes, Delete the Record.

  3. Service is no longer listed in the Service Table.

Tip: Services can only be deleted if they have not been generated into an invoice which happens on the last day of the month at midnight and on the 15th of the month at midnight.

 View Service Graph:

  1.  A graph is displayed with all Client Services and their %s.

  2. Hover mouse over each section to see actual Client counts per service.

Group Services

From the Home screen:

  1.  Click Client, Group Services.

  2. Click Add Service drop-down and click the service.

  3. The Service will be displayed with the required fields.

  4. Fill in required fields, add all attendees to the service, and click Save.

  5. Service is listed in the Service Table.

To delete a Service:

  1.  Click the Trash Can for a listed Service. A service can only be deleted if it has not been invoiced.

  2. Click Yes, Delete the Record.

  3. Service is no longer listed in the Service Table.

Tip: Services can only be deleted if they have not been generated into an invoice which happens on the last day of the month at midnight and on the 15th of the month at midnight.

Non-Client Based Services

From the Home screen:

  1. Click the teal links of the Project to submit the Service under.

  2. Click Add Service drop-down and click the appropriate Service.

  3. Click the Activity Start Date calendar and click a date or enter a date.

  4. Click the Activity End Date calendar and click a date or enter a date, or leave blank if not applicable.

  5. Click the Activity Cost and enter the cost. (Example: 55.54)

  6. Click required fields and enter or select the data.

  7. Click Save.

  8. The newly submitted Service is displayed in the Services table.

 Tip: To cancel your Service submission, click Cancel instead of Save.

Tip: You can edit/delete the Service until it is processed into an invoice, which happens at 12:01 am each night. At that point, it is no longer editable. To remove the Service, click Delete. To Edit a Service, click on the Service teal link to open, make changes, and click Save.

Making Corrections to an Invoice

To make corrections on an invoice, check out our guide here: Correcting an Invoice


For any questions, email support@fallingcolors.com

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