Invoice Payment

Invoice Payment

AHP Staff will review, approve for payment, and pay created invoices for all Vendors.

The Home screen will display Invoices marked for Corrections, Pending Approval, and Pending Payment:

Tip: This screen can be viewed at any time by clicking Invoices in the upper right corner of the screen.

 Tip: The Outstanding amount includes submitted transactions that have not been paid or denied.

To mark Invoices for First level payment approval

  1. Click View under Pending Payment. The screen will display listing Invoices for which you are designated to pay.

2. Click on the Provider Name under Invoice Details. The invoice will display with associated services.

Tip: Invoices with 10 Activities/Services or less will default to the Details View. Invoices with more than 10 Activities/Services will default to the Summary View.

3. Click the Take Action drop-down and click the First level payment approval action.

4. Click Submit Action. The invoice will be moved to the In Process tab. Repeat for invoices Pending Payment.

Tip: Invoices in the Awaiting Action, In Review, and Administrative Hold tabs are all subject to a payment decision.

Tip: AHP Payor can now run the report for the total to submit to BSAS for payment.

To mark Invoices for Payment authorized by the payor

  1. Click View under Pending Payment. The screen will display listing Invoices for which you are designated to pay.

  2. Click the In Process tab. Invoices ready to pay Vendors are displayed.

  3. Click on the Provider Name under Invoice Details. The invoice will display with associated services.

    Tip: Invoices with 10 Activities/Services or less will default to the Details View. Invoices with more than 10 Activities/Services will default to the Summary View.

  4. Click the Take Action drop-down and click the Payment authorized by the payor action.

  5. Click the Check Number field and enter a number.

  6. Click the Payment Date field and enter a date MM/DD/YYYY.

  7. Click Submit Action. The invoice will be moved to the Invoice History.