Participant Services

Participant Services

Coordinators and Providers can add services for participants and see services that have been conducted/rendered.

To Add a Service

From the Participant’s Dashboard

  1. Click the Services tab.

  2. Click the Add Services button and click the appropriate service.

  3. Click the Funding drop-down and click the appropriate fund. (Note: If only 1 Fund Source exists, you can skip this step and the system will auto-select)

  4. Click the Date of Activity field and enter the date the service was rendered. Date Format mm/dd/yyyy. (Services must be entered no more than 30 days after they were rendered and within the Referral period.)

  5. Click the Cost of Activity field and enter the $ amount. (Note: If the service has a designed fee, this step is not needed)

  6. Click the appropriate Activity Type(s) if displayed.

6. Click Save. The system will bundle all services and create invoices every Sunday night.

Tip: Manually entered services can be deleted or edited until they are bundled into an invoice.

To Edit a Service

From the Participant’s Dashboard

  1. Click the Services tab.

  2. Click the Service Transaction ID to open the service.

3. Make the necessary changes and click Save.

To Delete a Service

From the Participant’s Dashboard

  1. Click the Services tab.

  2. Click the Trash Can Icon for the appropriate service. The service will be removed.