Participant Notes

Participant Notes

From the Participant’s Dashboard:

  1.  Click the Notes tab.

  2. Current Notes for the client will display.

 Tip: As notes are added the (0) on the tab will update.

 To add a Note:

  1. Click the Notes section and enter notes.

  2. Click the Date calendar and click date.

  3. Select a Location. If there is only one option, it will be auto-selected.

  4. Click the Tag drop-down and select a Tag for the Note. (Optional)

  5. Click Add Note. The newly added note is displayed in the Current Notes table.

  6. Notes can be filtered by author, provider location, and tag.

  7. Career Services comments re: the client will automatically appear in the Notes section for convenient reviewing.

Participant Notes are visible to Coordinators and AHP Staff.


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