Submit a Change Request Form (CRF) for Processing

ASO Policies and Procedures

Submit a Change Request Form (CRF) for Processing

To allocate funding to a provider in STAR, please draft a CRF for processing and send it to the Contract Manager for your Agency/Division. Falling Colors maintains a list of authorized individuals who can submit these requests and can help you route your request if you are unsure who has the authority to approve it.

Falling Colors can only process CRFs for providers with an executed SOW for the Project and Funding. If we do not have an executed SOW on file, we will not process the CRF.

Check out our How To Submit a Scope of Work (SOW) for Processing guide for more information about SOWs.

CRF Templates are available for your Agency/Division by submitting a request to Falling Colors Support for an up-to-date CRF Template.

  1. Fill out the Requestor Information section:

    1. Date Submitted: Indicate the date of this request.

    2. State Fiscal Year: Indicate the FY the request is for.

    3. Type of CRF: Indicate if the request is the provider’s initial allocation for the FY, or a re-allocation of funds after their initial allocation.

    4. Agency Name: Indicate the Agency associated with the request.



  1. Use the Funding section to indicate where the funds are coming from and where the funds are going:

    1. From Fund Pool, Project, Provider:

      1. If moving funding from the Unallocated bucket for a Fund Pool to a Provider, you only need to indicate the Fund Pool.

      2. If moving funding from a Provider/Location, indicate the Fund Pool, Project, and Provider.

    2. To Fund Pool, Project, Provider:

      1. If moving funding to a Provider/Location, indicate the Fund Pool, Project, and Provider.

      2. If moving funding to the Unallocated bucket for a Fund Pool to a Provider, you only need to indicate the Fund Pool.

    3. Amount: Indicate the distinct allocation amount.





  1. Notes: This section can be used to indicate any important information related to the request. It can also be used to clarify the allocation request to ensure accurate processing (Example: Please allocate $100,000 to Provider 1 for Project A).

  2. Attestation: This statement is included on all CRF requests. By signing and submitting the CRF for processing, you attest that the request is in accordance with company policy, that a Scope of Work for the provider and project has been executed, and the request is authorized by the proper authorizer.

By my signature below, I certify and attest that I have authority to allocate or re-allocate the funding as requested through this Change Request Form (CRF); that the funds affected by this CRF are appropriately allocated according to agency policy and any applicable section of the Procurement Code; that the funds affected by this CRF have been allocated according to the Scope of Work for the provider in question; and that all required approvals and reviews, including any necessary review and approval by legal or by procurement officers, have been conducted.

  1. Signature Section: We require the printed name and signature of individuals who are authorized to approve these requests prior to processing.


  1. Understanding the template: you will notice tabs built into the Excel template that show the Fund Sources, Projects, Providers, and Financial Approvers. The values within these sections will populate within the distinct sections outlined above. You can use them to reference what Fund Pools, Projects, and Providers are available to allocate to.

    1. If you do not see a Fund Pool, Project, or Provider on your CRF Template, please reach out to support@fallingcolors.com for an updated template.


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