Submit a Data Request

ASO Policies and Procedures

Submit a Data Request

We encourage you to review the available Reporting options in NMSTAR by navigating to the Run Reports for Overview section in STAR, through either your Invoices (Lead Agency) link or your Provider links.

For a review of some of the available options, please see our Report Guides.

Submitting an Ad-Hoc Request

If you find that the reporting options in NMSTAR are not sufficient for your data reporting needs, you are welcome to submit an ad hoc data request using the link below and following the prompts provided.

Data Request Form

Types of Ad-Hoc Data Requests:

  • STANDARD DATA REQUESTS (10 Business Days)

    • Data Export - A standard data request, typically used for grant reporting or program evaluation/research purposes, that pulls data from Falling Colors' systems and organizes it into a tabular format (CSV file or Excel workbook). These requests require detailed specifications about filtering, exclusion/inclusion criteria, and the fields needed. These requests may or may not involve aggregation.

    • Simple Visualization - A standard data request, typically used for presentation purposes, that visualizes data pulled from Falling Colors' systems. This is generally an extension of a data export request.

    • Simple Estimation - A standard data request, typically used for preliminary decision-making/planning purposes, that analyzes data pulled from Falling Colors' systems. This request requires a clearly defined question that can be answered with summary statistics and/or for which a moderate margin of error is acceptable.

  • COMPLEX DATA REQUESTS (Estimated on a Case-by-Case Basis)

    • Diagnostic Evaluation - A complex data request, typically used for decision-making/project planning purposes, that explores a given problem, gathers evidence to support a claim, and investigates potential sources of an observed phenomenon.

    • Projection - A complex data request, typically used for decision-making/project planning purposes, that attempts to estimate the future or potential state of a program, project, or agency based on identified metrics of interest.

    • Recommendation - A complex data request, typically used for decision-making/project planning purposes, that provides a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the options available in a given problem space and provides a recommended best course of action.

  • SYSTEM/REPORT UPDATE REQUESTS (Estimated on a Case-by-Case Basis)

    • Report Updates - An update or change to an existing dashboard, recurring report, or on-demand (STAR) report.

    • System/Database Update - An update or change to a database or to the functionality of the data collection system.

Requesting a New Dashboard or Recurring Report,

Requests for new dashboards and recurring reports can occur in one of two ways:

  1. At the recommendation of the Falling Colors data team, or

  2. Via an ad-hoc request or consultation.

Falling Colors' Data Team maintains a record of ad-hoc requests and periodically reviews requests and report/dashboard utilization to make recommendations for enhancements or improvements. When a request appears to be recurring with enough frequency, a representative from Falling Colors’ data team will reach out to discuss creating a dashboard or recurring report to support this request.

Requests for recurring reports/dashboards can also be initiated by lead agencies and program managers. All that is needed to turn a data export or simple visualization into a request for a recurring report is to indicate this on the data request form. Dashboards or recurring complex reports require a consultation with the data team.

Please note, Falling Colors' Data Team is currently not processing requests to update NMSTAR reports as the system used to produce these reports is changing.

Rush Requests

Please note, if your data request needs to be delivered within 10 business days, please reach out to Raymond Duran of BHC (Raymond.Duran@hsd.nm.gov) for approval on the expedited request.

Disclaimers and Citation

All documents, software, insights, and graphics are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Any risk arising out of their use or misuse remains with the recipient. In no event shall Falling Colors be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or other damages whatsoever even if Falling Colors has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

All documents, software, insights, and graphics are prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s) for the purpose for which it is provided. Unless otherwise specified, any reuse, reproduction, distribution, or communication of said documents, software, insights, or graphics must be done “as is” and include Falling Colors attribution and branding.

Any alteration to the presentation, information, or context of the analysis constitutes a novel analysis and must be presented as such. In such instances, Falling Colors cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of said analysis and thus such analyses shall not be directly attributed to Falling Colors nor shall it utilize, explicitly or implicitly, Falling Colors branding.

Sample Citation:

Falling Colors Technology. (2023). Provider Scorecard Report - Q1FY2024. Retrieved November 11, 2023 from https://transfer.fallingcolors.com/


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