Invoice Review and Approval

Invoice Review and Approval

Lead Agency Staff will review and approve created invoices for all Vendors. They also have the ability to mark an invoice for Corrections or Deny an Invoice.

The Home screen will display Invoices marked for Corrections, Pending Approval, and Pending Payment:

Tip: This screen can be viewed at any time by clicking Invoices in the upper right corner of the screen.

 Tip: The Outstanding amount includes submitted transactions that have not been paid or denied.

To View Program Providers

  1. Click the teal link listed under Program to view the specific providers that are involved in that Program.

Invoice Icon Definitions

To Approve Invoices

  1. Click View under Pending Approval. The screen will display listing Invoices for which you are designated to approve.

  1. Click on the Provider Name under Invoice Details. The invoice will display with associated services.

Tip: Invoices with 10 Activities/Services or less will default to the Details View. Invoices with more than 10 Activities/Services will default to the Summary View.

  1. Click the Take Action drop-down and click the appropriate action.

  1. Click Submit Action.

Action Taken


Generated by process

Created in the system but no decisions have yet been made.

In review

Lets the provider know the invoice is being reviewed.

Approved by the lead agency

Lets the provider know the invoice is Approved. (Moves the invoice to the Pending Payment Tab)

Denied by the lead agency *

Lets the provider know the invoice is Denied. (Moves the invoice to the Invoice History Tab)

Placed on administrative hold *

Lets the provider know the invoice is on hold.

Provider corrections required *

Lets the provider know the invoice requires corrections. (This decision is the only decision that requires action on the part of the Provider)


Lets the provider know the invoice is Paid. (Moves the invoice to the Invoice History Tab)

*Indicates that a Reason and Comments are also required.

To Flag Services for Provider Correction 

  1. Click the Service, a checkmark will appear. (repeat as needed) Only those Services which are flagged will be editable by a provider when they are making corrections.


Tip: Invoices marked for corrections if not corrected in 30 days will be auto-Denied by the system. An email to the Provider should help to prevent this from occurring.

To add a Reason and Comment for the Provider

  1. Click the Reason drop-down and click the appropriate reason.

  2. Click Comments and enter any comments.-For Denied, Administrative Hold, and Provider Corrections Required, an initial comment is required and is automatically shared with the provider.

 Tip: Service Dates on an Invoice cannot be changed to a previous month. The invoice cannot be sent for Provider Corrections. It should be Denied and the Provider asked to submit a new correct invoice. Denying an Invoice will free up the funds again.

Tip: Denied Invoices are terminated and no further actions can be taken. Administrative Hold should be used if needed. (For example: to create a CRF to add additional funds to the provider’s allocation)

To Upload Documents to Invoices Awaiting Approval

  1. Click Take Action under Pending Approval. The invoices screen will display listing Invoices for which you are designated to approve.

  2. Click on the Provider Name under Invoice Details for an Invoice.

  3. The invoices screen will display associated services.

  4. Click Browse under Approver Files and double-click the file to upload.

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