Client Registration - NMSTAR

Client Registration - NMSTAR



Client Registration

Client-based projects in STAR require that the participating client(s) be individually registered in STAR. Please see the following information to register clients in STAR.

  1. From your Overview screen, click on the Client tab.

  2. Then, select Register.

  3. The STAR Register Client tool will load.


  1. Fill out the requested fields:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Date of Birth

    4. Social Security Number (Optional)

      1. When searching with an SSN, you must include values for the First Name, Last Name, and DOB.

      2. The Register tool will attempt to locate any potential matches, including variations of client names.

  2. Click Search.


Client Registration GIF.gif


  1. The system will display any possible matches if the provided client information matches an existing client in STAR. If the client has received services at another organization in the STAR Provider Network, their profile and information will be displayed.

    1. If a match, click on the relevant Client ID to add this client to your organization.

    2. If you identify multiple matching clients, please let our Support Team know the relevant Client IDs and we will merge the client records.

  2. If the returned potential clients are not a match, click None of These to proceed with registering a new client.

  3. If no clients are returned, click on the Create New Record button to create a new client.

Tip: Registration is used to identify existing records in NMSTAR first to avoid duplication of individuals in the system. One individual can be participating in other programs with other providers or have done so in the past.


Step 1 of 4: Client Profile

  1. Under the General section, provide the following information:

    1. First Name

    2. Middle Initial

    3. Last Name

    4. Suffix

    5. SSN - indicate “No SSN?” if you do not have this information.

    6. Date of Birth

    7. Driver’s License #

    8. Medical Record Number (as determined by your organization)


  1. Under the Medicaid section, provide the following information:

    1. Client has a Medicaid ID? - leave this checkbox blank if the client does not have a Medicaid ID. If they do, check the box.

      1. Medicaid ID: indicate the client’s Medicaid ID.

      2. MCO: indicate the NM MCO the client is affiliated with (BCBS, Presbyterian, etc.) (not required)

      3. CCL: Indicate the client’s Care Coordination Level, if applicable (not required).

STAR Client Registration Profile.gif
  1. Under the Demographic section, provide the following information:

    1. Gender

    2. LGBTQ

    3. Language

      1. Other Language - optional text box if Language is determined as Other.

    4. Active Military (Y/N)

    5. Ethnicity

      1. Tribal Affiliation (if Race includes Native American or Alaskan Native)

      2. Other Tribal Affiliation (if Tribal Affiliation is Other)

    6. Race (select all that apply)

  2. Click Save and Continue.

STAR Client Registration Profile.gif

Step 2 of 4: Contact Information

  1. Under Address, fill out the client’s provided address:

    1. Address Line 1

    2. Address Line 2

    3. City

    4. State

    5. Zip Code

    6. If the client is homeless, indicate this using the “Check if client is Homeless” option.

  2. Under Phone, fill out the client’s provided phone number:

    1. Primary Phone Number

    2. Message (Y/N)

    3. Other Phone

    4. Message (Y/N)

  3. Click Save and Continue.


Step 3 of 4: Contacts

  1. The contact fields are not required, but you can supply contact information for:

    1. Legal Representative/Guardian

    2. Emergency Contact

    3. Non-medical person authorized to review client’s records and discuss care

    4. Other

  2. When doing so, please indicate the individuals:

    1. Name

    2. Phone Number

    3. Email Address

    4. Relation to Client

  3. Click Save and Continue.


Step 4 of 4: Initial Registration Data

  1. Inidcate the Date of Initial Registration as the date the client was first met with at your organization. Note: this date must precede any rendered services in STAR.

    1. Veteran (Y/N)

    2. Marital Status

    3. Pregnant (if applicable)

    4. Dependent Children

    5. Family Member/Significant Other

    6. Living Arrangement

      1. Length of Time in this Arrangement (if applicable)

    7. Education

    8. School

    9. Employment Status

      1. Not in Labor Force

    10. Source of Income

    11. CYFD Involved

    12. Referral Source

      1. Criminal Justice Referral - If ‘Court/Criminal Justice Referral/Dui/Dwi’ is selected, click the Criminal Justice Referral drop-down and select an option.

    13. Arrests in Past 30 days

    14. Health Insurance


  1. Under the Substance Abuse section, indicate if the client has a Substance Abuse problem or select None.

    1. If Yes, indicate the following:

      1. Drug Code

      2. Route of Administration

      3. Frequency of Use

      4. Age at First Use

      5. Substance Abuse Problem (Secondary) if applicable, etc.

      6. Days Waiting to Enter SA Treatment

      7. Attendance at SA Self-Help in the last 30 Days

      8. Opioid Therapy

      9. Substance Abuse Diagnosis

  1. Under the Mental Health section, indicate if the client has a Mental Health illness or select No.

    1. If Yes, indicate the following:

      1. Serious Emotional Disturbance (Y/N)

      2. Is there a Mental Health Diagnosis? (Y/N)

        1. If yes, Diagnosis

        2. Is there another Mental Health Diagnosis? (etc.)

  2. Click Save and Continue.

  3. The Client Dashboard will be displayed.

Client Find

Tip: Find is used to find clients registered at your provider only.

From the Home screen:

  1. Click Client, Find Client.

  2. Click the First Name field and enter the name.

  3. Click the Last Name field and enter the name.

  4. Click the Date of Birth Field and enter DOB.

  5. Click the Individual ID field and enter ID.

  6. Click the Last 4 SSN field and enter the last 4 digits of the SSN.

  7. Click Medical Record Number and enter a number.

  8. Click the Medicaid ID field and enter a number.
    Tip: Not all fields are required to Find a Client. You can Find by First Name only as an example.

  9. Click Find Client.

  10. Click the Client ID of the individual found on the list of possible matches.

11. The Client Dashboard is displayed.

Client Contact Information

From the Client Dashboard:

  1. Click Profile, Address & Phone, or Contact tab.

  2. Click any of the fields and enter/edit the information.

  3. Click Save.

  4. The Client Dashboard is displayed.


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