System User Information

System User Information


Routine Deactivation

Accounts in Star will be disabled if the user has not logged in for 90 days.

Users will be informed about this deactivation when they create first password for their account and have logged in for the first time.

As the date of a user’s account disablement approaches, the system will notify them at 2-week, 1-week, and 1-day intervals. The email includes a link to the login page.

After expiration, they’ll receive an email informing them that they will have to send an email to support in order for their account to be reactivated. The email is sent with the support email, so users may simply respond to this email in order to request reactivation.

Updating Your Account Information

You can edit your User Name/Email Address and Update your password and notification preferences from within the application.

To Edit Profile Settings:

  1. Click on your logged-in Name in the upper right corner.

  2. Click Update Profile.

  3. Click the field you want to edit and enter new information.

  4. Click Update.


To Edit Password:

  1. Click on your logged-in Name in the upper right corner.

  2. Click Change Password.

  3. Enter your current password.

  4. Enter a new password.

  5. Re-enter the new password.

  6. Click Update.

Tip: Password must be changed every 90 days, contain at least eight characters, contain at least one number, contain at least one lower case letter, contain at least one upper case letter, and contain at least one special character.

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