Mandated Data

Mandated Data

Client Mandated Data

Add Check-In

From the Client Dashboard:

  1. Click the Mandated Data tab.

    1. The Mandated Data tab will have an orange exclamation indicator if Initial Registration is missing, or if the last record occurred over 210 days ago.

    2. After clicking the Mandated Data tab, the remaining days until the client’s next Check-in is due is displayed.

  2. Click the Client Check-In button.

  3. Click Date of Check-In calendar and select date.

  4. Click Veteran drop-down and click status.

  5. Click the Marital Status drop-down and click status.

  6. Click the Pregnant drop-down and click status (female clients only).

  7. Click Family Member / Significant Other drop-down and select an option.

  8. Click the Living Arrangement drop-down and click arrangement.

    1. If ‘Place not meant for habitation’ is selected, click Length of Time in this Arrangement drop-down and click status.

  9. Click the Education drop-down and click status.

  10. Click the School drop-down and click status.

  11. Click the Employment Status drop-down and click status.

    1. If ‘Not in Labor Force’ is selected, click the Not In Labor Force drop-down and click status.

  12. Click the Source of income drop-down and click source.

  13. Click Arrest in the Past 30 days drop-down and click # of arrests.

  14. Click Health Insurance drop-down and click insurance carrier.

  15. Click the SMI drop-down and click status.

  16. Click the SED drop-down and click status.

  17. Click Substance Abuse Problem and/or Mental Health Diagnosis drop-down and click status

    1. If any option other than ‘None’ is selected:

      1. Click the Drug Code drop-down and select an option.

      2. Click the Route of Administration drop-down and select an option.

      3. Click the Frequency of Use drop-down and click status.

      4. Click Age at First Use and select an option.

      5. Click Days Waiting to Enter SA Treatment and select an option.

      6. Click Attendance at SA Help in the last 30 Days and click status.

      7. Click the Opioid Therapy drop-down and click status.

      8. Click Substance Abuse Diagnosis and enter the code (must be a valid code).

      9. Click Substance Abuse Problem (Secondary) and select an option.

      10. If any option other than ‘None is selected’, repeat steps 19.a.i – 19.a.ix

  18. Click Is There a Mental Health Diagnosis? and click status (system enforces ‘Yes’ if SMI and/or SED is set to ‘Yes’).

  19. Click Save


Deactivate Client

From the Client Dashboard:

  1. Click the Mandated Data tab.

    1. The mandated Data tab will have an orange exclamation indicator if Initial Registration is missing, or if the last record occurred over 210 days ago.

    2. After clicking the Mandated Data tab, the remaining days until the client’s next Check-in is due are displayed.

  2. Click the Deactivate Client button.

  3. Click Date of Last Contact calendar and select date.

  4. Click Deactivation Reason and click status.

  5. Click Date of Deactivation calendar and select date.

  6. Click Veteran drop-down and click status.

  7. Click the Marital Status drop-down and click status.

  8. Click the Pregnant drop-down and click status (female clients only).

  9. Click Family Member / Significant Other drop-down and select an option.

  10. Click the Living Arrangement drop-down and click arrangement.

    1. If ‘Place not meant for habitation’ is selected, click Length of Time in this Arrangement drop-down and click status.

  11. Click the Education drop-down and click status.

  12. Click the School drop-down and click status.

  13. Click the Employment Status drop-down and click status.

    1. If ‘Not in Labor Force’ is selected, click the Not In Labor Force drop-down and click status.

  14. Click the Source of income drop-down and click source.

  15. Click Arrests in the Past 30 days drop-down and click # of arrests.

  16. Click Health Insurance drop-down and click insurance carrier.

  17. Click the SMI drop-down and click status.

  18. Click the SED drop-down and click status.

  19. Click Substance Abuse Problem and/or Mental Health Diagnosis drop-down and click status

    1. If any option other than ‘None’ is selected:

    2. Click the Drug Code drop-down and select an option.

    3. Click the Route of Administration drop-down and select an option.

    4. Click the Frequency of Use drop-down and click status.

    5. Click Age at First Use and select an option.

    6. Click Days Waiting to Enter SA Treatment and select an option.

    7. Click Attendance at SA Help in the last 30 Days and click status.

    8. Click the Opioid Therapy drop-down and click status.

    9. Click Substance Abuse Diagnosis and enter the code (must be a valid code).

    10. Click Substance Abuse Problem (Secondary) and select an option.

      1. If any option other than ‘None is selected’, repeat steps 19.a.i – 19.a.ix

  20. Click Is There a Mental Health Diagnosis? and click status (system enforces ‘Yes’ if SMI and/or SED is set to ‘Yes’).

  21. Click Save.

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