Consumer Satisfaction Program
Project Description
The New Mexico State Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD) requires behavioral health data from the MCOs on both adults and children served. Data loads will be completed for every 12month period and must include all individuals who received at least one behavioral or mental health service. This document describes the requirements for data that the BHSD is requesting from the MCOs. It describes the sources of the data and the format of the required data.
File Information
File Transfer Options
Files must be uploaded manually to the Falling Colors SFTP site and then an email sent to letting FC know the file is ready to be uploaded manually to the STAR web application.
File Format
All files are .csv file type. A separate file per MCO is required. The file name should be named like: Molina_CSS2018.csv. Each MCO file should contain enough clients to meet the defined goal for that MCO for that survey year taking into account clients that do not want to participate after being contacted or cannot be reached. A header row is required.
Data Files
MCO Client File
Field Name | Field Length | Is Required? | Field Format/Allowable Values |
EntityConsumerId | 30 | Yes | VARCHAR |
FirstName | 30 | Yes | VARCHAR |
LastName | 30 | Yes | VARCHAR |
MiddleInitial | 1 | No | VARCHAR |
Suffix | 30 | No | VARCHAR |
GuardianFirstName | 30 | Yes | VARCHAR If not known use Unknown |
GuardianLastName | 30 | Yes | VARCHAR If not known use Unknown |
PhoneNumber | 10 | Yes | Numeric XXXXXXXXXX |
AgeGroup | 1 | Yes | A = Adult F = Family |
Gender | 1 | Yes | M = Male F = Female U = Unknown |
Ethnicity | 2 | Yes | HS = Hispanic NH = Not of Hispanic or Latino or Spanish origin UK = Unknown |
Race | 30 | Yes | African American Asian Caucasian Native American Other Unknown |
Ccl | 4 | No | CC-1 CC-2 CC-3 CC-4 CC-5 CC-6 CC-7 |
PrimaryLanguage | 10 | No | English Spanish Other Unknown |
Geo | 11 | Yes | Urban Rural Frontier Unspecified |
AddressLine1 | 200 | No | VARCHAR |
AddressLine2 | 200 | No | VARCHAR |
City | 50 | No | VARCHAR |
State | 2 | No | VARCHAR |
ZipCode | 10 | No | XXXXX-XXXX |
County | 30 | No | VARCHAR |
LeadAgencyID | 20 | No | VARCHAR |
DateOfBirth | 10 | Yes | DD-MM-YYYY |