Commonly Used Forms

ASO Policies and Procedures

Commonly Used Forms

Request to Open Billing Window

To request to open a billing window, please fill out the form attached below and submit it to the necessary Lead Agency Staff.

Staff Registration

All Star user requests must have vendor administrator or executive contact approval.

This means either the vendor administrator or executive sends the email, or they are cc’d. Each agency has at least one vendor administrator, who is the designated person able to add users, remove users, and update permissions. It also has an executive contact whose name was included on registration documents. If you are unsure who these people are, we are happy to help you identify them.

Please email your request to support@fallingcolors.com

No forms are required at this time.

In your email, please include the following:

  1. The new user’s First Name and Last Name.

  2. The new user’s Email Address.

  3. The Provider Site / Location the user will be entering information for - this is important if your agency has more than one site listed in Star.

  4. The specific Projects the user will need access to.

  5. The level of access the user will need. It will be one of three choices:

    1. Vendor Access

    2. Vendor Administrator Access

    3. Financial Administrator Access (only for agencies submitting claims to the State)

As a very helpful shortcut, you may request mirrored access if there is another employee at your site that you wish to replicate the permissions of.


Removing Users:

If you are requesting to Remove a user, simply email support@fallingcolors.com with the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the user who no longer needs access to Star. Vendor Administrator or Lead Agency approval is required.

Provider Alert

FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY: To request a Provider Alert, please fill out the Provider Alert template below and submit it to Raymond Duran (Raymond.Duran@hsd.nm.gov), Operations Director of the BHC for review and approval.

The approved Provider Alert should be submitted by Raymond Duran on behalf of the BHC to FC Support at support@fallingcolors.com for processing. FC Support will respond to the request once the alert has been scheduled for distribution and posting.

Please see our guide: How to submit a Provider Alert for instructions and requirements.

Budgetary Letter of Direction (BLOD)

FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY: To request a Budgetary Letter of Direction, please fill out the BLOD Template below and submit it to FC Support at support@fallingcolors.com for review and implementation.

Once the BLOD draft is approved for implementation, FC Support will route the BLOD for Signature to Jorie and Nick for review and Signature via SignEasy. The BLOD will be implemented in STAR once the BLOD has been signed by both parties.

Please see our guide: How to Submit a BLOD for instructions and requirements.

FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY: To request a Letter of Direction, please fill out the LOD Template below and submit it to FC Support at support@fallingcolors.com for review and implementation.

Once the LOD draft is approved for implementation, FC Support will route the LOD for Signature to Jorie and Nick for review and Signature via SignEasy. The LOD will be implemented in STAR once the LOD has been signed by both parties.

Please see our guide: How to Submit a Letter of Direction (LOD) for instructions and requirements.

Scope of Work (SOW)

FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY: To submit a lead agency-approved Scope of Work (SOW) to FCC for signature processing, please complete the SOW template below and submit it to your Financial Services Manager for review and approval.

The Financial Services Manager will then upload the SOW to the Secure File Transfer Portal (SFTP) for FC Support to process and let us know at support@fallingcolors.com. FC Support will then track the SOW and send it to the provider via SignEasy for review and signature. Once the SOW is signed, FC Support will upload the executed PDF to the SFTP folder for the lead agency records and review.


Please see our guide: Submit a Scope of Work for Processing for instructions and requirements.

Note: Falling Colors will make 4 attempts to contact and remind providers about unsigned documents. After 1 month we will then inform the member agency of the unsigned documents and cease attempts to contact.

Change Request Form (CRF)

FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY: To submit a Change Request Form for either an initial allocation or a reallocation to a STAR Provider, please request the CRF template from FC Support (support@fallingcolors.com). Once completed, please submit the CRF to the Lead Agency Financial Services Manager for their review and approval. FC Support will process the CRF once the Lead Agency Financial Services Manager submits it to FC Support for processing.

*SOWs must be executed in order for CRFs to be processed.

Please see our guide: Submit a Change Request Form (CRF) for instructions and requirements.



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