Your First Day in NMSTAR - Providers
Welcome to the New Mexico State Tracking and Reporting system. Please review the following sections to become familiar with the flow of STAR, how to submit your services, register clients, and update your user information.
Creating your Account and Logging in to STAR
To access STAR, an invitation will be sent to you from with a link to create a password and access your account. If you need an account, please get in touch with a Vendor Administrator to submit a request to Falling Colors Support.
Once you have created an account in STAR, you can access your account at at any time. You can use the Forgot your password? link from the login screen to reset your password if you forget it.
Once you have logged in to STAR, you will either be directed to the invoicing module or our STAR Welcome Screen. If you have Vendor Administrator permissions or allocations from multiple Lead Agencies, you will see different options.
Provider Name (Lead Agency) (Services): See allocations for this Provider and Lead Agency.
Vendor Administrator (System Administration): Access information about your Provider in STAR.
Invoicing, Allocations, and Reports
By clicking on a Provider Name (Lead Agency), or if you are automatically directed into the invoicing section, you will see information regarding Invoices, Allocations, and Projects.
Invoice Overview Tracking
From the Overview tracking, you will see three trackers that direct you into the STAR Invoicing Module.
Corrections Required: for any pending invoices that you need to take additional action on in order to be approved. See our Correcting an Invoice guide for more information.
Pending Invoices: Invoices that are pending the Lead Agency’s approval.
Invoice History: all invoices for your provider can be reviewed here.
STAR Reports
The Run Reports for Overview can pull information specific to your provider, including:
Activity Detail: Review specific services submitted in STAR.
Payment Detail: Review payments made to your provider from STAR.
…and more!
Submitting a Service
Submitting a Non-Client Based Service
Non-Client Based services are services rendered on behalf of your provider and are not affiliated with a single client. These include administrative expenses, training, programmatic supplies and expenses, and many other varieties. Please see our Non-Client Based Service guide to learn how to submit these services.
Submitting a Client-Based Service
Client-based services are services rendered for a specific client, such as therapy, housing assistance, and other client-specific assistance. Please see our guide on how to submit a Client Based Service to learn more.
Invoice Generation Dates
Projects in STAR are configured to generate pending services into invoices on one of the following configurations:
The 1st and 16th of each month
To review when the next service to invoice generation date is for your project and available funding information, hover over the teal icon on the project line:
Clients in STAR
Registering a Client
To submit a client-based service, you must first register a client in STAR. To learn how to register a client, please see our Client Registration guide.
Once you have registered a client at your provider, they can be located at any time using the Client Find tool.
Client Project Activation
For a client to participate in a project at your provider, you must opt them into the project. Project activation can be updated within the Projects tab on the Client’s Dashboard.
Mandated Data
Mandated Data is a TEDS requirement and is collected at the time of client registration in STAR. The initial Client Registration Mandated Data record must include a registration date that precedes any services rendered for that client at your provider.
Mandated Data must be updated every 180 days, with either a Client Check-In or a Client Deactivation record.
To indicate that a Client is no longer receiving services at your provider, please submit a Client Deactivation Record. Please see our guide on Mandated Data for instructions on how to add Mandated Data records.
Other Topics
We have other help guides covering a variety of other topics, project-specific guides, and resources available.
Contacting Support
Our Falling Colors Support Team is here and happy to help. If you have any questions about STAR please reach out to us at We can help with:
Accessing your account or creating new user accounts.
Verifying the status of contracts or funding.
Providing instructions on how to complete tasks in STAR.
Navigate difficulties or errors you may encounter.
Answer any questions about STAR, Falling Colors as the ASO, and more!
For HIPAA compliance purposes, please do not share any PHI in your support request to Falling Colors. For more information on how to contact support, please see our help guide on Contacting Support.
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