OTP Registry Uploads Quick Troubleshooting Guide
OTP Registry Uploads Quick Troubleshooting Guide
1. If you’ve noticed that uploads have stalled, open a support ticket with Methasoft as soon as you can. It’s important to reach out to Methasoft before Falling Colors, because they can take a first-hand look at the upload process and diagnose the issue.
2. If Methasoft needs Falling Colors' help, they’ll reach out to us. However, if you do need our help, you can create a support ticket by emailing us at support@fallingcolors.com
This is also the email address for vendor admins to add, update, or remove staff permissions.
3. It’s important that both Methasoft and Falling Colors know the IP address you are using for registry uploads. Methasoft should have this information already, but it’s a good practice to at least be aware of the address being used and have it handy.
If you’re aware that the IP address has changed, please contact both Methasoft and Falling Colors to update us.
4. We have two guides covering Methadone registry operations in Star:
How to Use the Platform: https://fallingcolors.atlassian.net/wiki/x/FQwWYw
Specifications for Data Files: https://fallingcolors.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9wMWYw