This guide is for users with an Administrator role. For Providers, if you have a Staff or Reviewer role, but not an Admin role, you will not be able to complete these steps. The same is true for LCA users with a Triage or Investigator role. If you think you need additional permissions, contact your Organization Admin, and if you have other questions, or you’re not sure who that is, please contact
Inviting Users
Step 1 - Navigate to User Management
From the home screen, click “User Management” in the left sidebar. If you don’t see this option, this means you do not have the required permissions.
Step 2 - Click the + to Invite New Users
Click the + Button in the bottom right of the screen to send invitations to new users.
Step 3 - Enter the Email Addresses of New Users
Enter the email addresses of the users you wish to invite. Use a comma, the space bar, or the Enter/Return key on your keyboard to separate email addresses, then you can enter another. You can delete email addresses by clicking the x.
Step 4 (Providers) - Choose Roles for the New Users
Check the boxes beside the roles to be granted to all of the users you entered above.
Administrative Contacts - contact information is provided to LCA Investigators with any report submitted by this organization.
Administrators can invite other users, set permissions, select Primary Reviewers, and reset passwords.
Reviewers can complete reviews of Staff-submitted reports before submission to the LCA for Triage and Investigation.
Staff can create and submit Incident Reports for review.
Step 4 (LCA) - Choose Roles for the New Users
Check the boxes beside the roles to be granted to each user you entered above.
Administrative Contacts - contact information is provided to LCA Investigators with any report submitted by this organization.
Administrators can invite other users, set permissions, and reset passwords.
Investigators can modify Incident Reports that have been accepted for investigation. This includes all capabilities like logging actions taken, modifying incident contacts, managing attachments, and updating the status and outcomes of an investigation.
Triage Users can view provider submitted reports that have not yet been accepted for investigation, add comments, send reports back to the originating provider for updates, and finally accept and either assign or archive completed reports.
Step 5 - Send Invites
When you have at least one email entered and the correct roles selected, the “Send Invites” button will become active, indicating your invites can be sent.
Click Send Invites, and the system will generate emails to the invited users with a link to create their accounts. Once the invited users have registered, they will appear in the User Management table.
Note: The email sent containing the create account link is only good for 24 hours so new users need to create their account the day they receive the email.
Managing Users
Users with the Administrator role at a given organization can manage some aspects of the accounts of other users at the same organization.
Navigate to User Management
To make changes to users you have permission to administer, from the home screen, click “User Management” in the left sidebar. If you don’t see this option, this means you do not have the required permissions.
Name & Email Address
These user profile options are intentionally left to the users to manage themselves, so if you see issues that should be corrected, reach out to users directly and instruct them to update their user profiles.
If users are unable to access their profile information, please reach out to for assistance.
Roles are the means for Administrators to grant individual users appropriate groupings of permissions in the system. Administrators can enable or disable roles using the toggles beside each role.
Primary Reviewer
The Primary Reviewer assigned to a user will receive notifications whenever that user submits a new Incident Report or submits revisions to an existing Incident Report that was returned for corrections.
For every user at a Provider Organization who can create Incident Reports, an Administrator should assign a Primary Reviewer. The list of users who can be selected as Primary Reviewers includes any users with the Reviewer role at a given organization.
In most cases, the Primary Reviewer will be the user who assesses completed Staff reports before submission to the LCA for Triage. However, to avoid challenges resulting from periods when a Primary Reviewer is unavailable, the system allows any Reviewer type user to complete an Incident Report review.
Reset Password
Administrators are empowered to trigger the password reset process for users having trouble signing in by clicking the Reset Password button for that user’s account. This will generate an email with instructions for creating a new password.