Create & Activate a Client

Create & Activate a Client





Step 1

When registering a new client, first click Client > Register.

Step 2

Enter the Client’s Name and Date of Birth to confirm they do not already exist in the system.

Step 3

If no matching client records were found, click Create New Record.

Step 4

Enter client Profile Data and click Save and Continue.


Step 5

Enter the client’s contact information and click Save and Continue.

Step 6

Add information about client Contacts.

Step 7

Activate the Client in any appropriate projects, completing any additional fields, as necessary.

Step 8

Complete Initial Registration Data. Some fields in this step are only required if the client was activated in certain projects, so you may see a different set of required fields on this screen. Make sure to complete all fields to the best of your knowledge, especially those marked as required.

In some sections, you may be asked to provide additional information, based on your answers to certain questions. For example, after selecting “Alcohol” under the “Substance Abuse Problem” question, additional required fields appear, as seen below:

Step 9

Click Save and Continue, and the client will be added to the system, and you will be taken to the Client Dashboard.


Published March 29, 2019