CAT / CANS Troubleshooting Quick Guide 2022

CAT / CANS Troubleshooting Quick Guide 2022

Logging In

  1. URL. Make sure you are at the correct URL: star.bhsdstar.org

  2. Username. Your username is the email address sent to Falling Colors for registration. Most accounts for this program will have been sent to Falling Colors for creation before the start date. If you are unsure whether an account was created for you, please contact your supervisor or CYFD contact. Please do not contact Support directly to create an account, because requests to create new accounts can only be sent in by authorized CYFD staff who have reviewed your certification.

  3. Forgotten Passwords. You can reset your password at any time. To do so, click the Did you reset your password? link on the login page, and enter your email address. You’ll receive an email with a link to create a new password. This link is valid for 24 hours.

  4. Inactive Accounts. A Star account will go inactive if you have not logged in for 90 days or more, and you will not be able to log in. If this happens for you, please send an email to support@fallingcolors.com, and we will be able to assist you. To avoid this, remember to log in at least once every 90 days.

Essential Steps: Check these things before writing in to support.

  1. Browser. Star works best in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If you’re experiencing errors, they often will not occur if you switch to using one of these browsers (if you were using a different one).

  2. Connection Issues. If pages are loading slowly, or if you receive an error message after a very long loading time, that usually indicates a connection issue rather than a bug. Please check your computer and internet connection, shut down any other applications that are open, and perhaps sign out and sign in again or reset the computer.
    It’s common to enter duplicate information when experiencing connection issues. To avoid this, avoid hitting any “Save” or “Submit” buttons a second time, until the page has refreshed fully, and you’ve had a chance to see whether the information got in the first time.

Common Problems

  1. I’ve forgotten my password / initiated a password reset, but the site is asking for my old password. It’s time for your password to be updated, and the browser is under the impression that you’re still logged in with the old password. There are two things to try that usually work in this situation:

    1. Clear your browser’s cache as far back as the last time you logged in.

    2. Open a password reset link in a different browser.

  2. I can’t add an assessment / there’s no “Start New” assessment button. In order to be able to add surveys, your project supervisor at CYFD must upload an up-to-date certificate. If you can’t add assessments, please contact CYFD to enable assessment entry for you, or to make sure your information is up-to-date.

  3. Assessment not saving. In almost all cases, this is due to required information not being included. It’s possible to move through the survey and get to the submission button while skipping the information that is needed to submit. Please make sure to thoroughly review the survey to see if anything is unanswered. We all miss a question now and again - so no worries! If you can’t see what’s missing, ask a colleague or supervisor to check with fresh eyes.

  4. A filled-out survey is not showing up as saved. This could be due to a number of different things. The most common is having the forms open in multiple browsers.

  5. I don’t know how to / can’t find the client ID. A Star Client ID is a “C” followed by 15 digits, like this: C001000000012345. It will display at the top of the client record page you are viewing.

  6. It doesn’t look like the system shared my survey. The CAT / CANS survey functionality in Star does not automatically share CAT/CANS surveys with any other agency. Where the survey mentions sharing surveys, this is a place for you to record where you have shared the survey using other means.

  7. How do I record referrals? If you need to record a referral that you followed up on, you will need to visit the “Services” tab for the client record in question and add a new service. This will create a record that the referral recommended by the program was followed up on. Referrals are not recorded on the same part of the application as the survey.

If you have run into an error or problem you can’t solve

First, take a look at our training materials pages: https://fallingcolors.atlassian.net/l/c/LqULipoZ

In particular, see if anything in the Troubleshooting Guides relates to what you’re experiencing.

Next, please check with your contacts at CYFD. They will have received training on how to use the platform and can troubleshoot many issues, especially concerning account access/creation and survey/licensure enablement. In fact, Falling Colors Support will often need to defer to them for certain decisions.

If you still need assistance, please feel free to contact the Falling Colors Support Team at support@fallingcolors.com

For us to be able to assist you better, please include the following pieces of information:

  1. The full Client ID of the record you are looking at (see above).

  2. What you were doing, when you ran into the problem (e.g., what buttons you had clicked, what information you had entered, etc.)

  3. How the problem shows up. Is there an error message? If so, what does it say? Is there any other type of behavior you’re seeing?

In order to comply with HIPAA guidelines, please do not include Names, Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, or any other identifying client information in any support communications. Please only use Star Client IDs.



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