File Uploads
Data File Uploads
Creating a Pipe Delimited Excel File
Open Excel.
Create a new excel document.
Enter your data in the cells.
Do not include a header row (A top row that describes the data in each column.)
Select File, Save As, and save the file as a CSV Comma Delimited File to your desktop.
Right-click on the File and Select Open With Notepad.
Select Edit, Replace, and replace the , with a |.
Click Replace All.
The commas are now changed to pipes.
Click Save.
The file can now be uploaded.
Synar Merchant File Specifications
Field | Name | Description | Required | Validation |
1 | Outlet ID | ID of the merchant outlet; this ID is self-assigned | Yes |
2 | Merchant Name | The name of the merchant | Yes |
3 | Name of Owner | The owner of the outlet | Yes |
4 | Address | The address of the outlet | Yes |
5 | City | The city of the outlet | Yes |
6 | State Code | The abbreviated state of the outlet (NM) | Yes |
7 | Zip Code | The zip code of the outlet | Yes |
8 | Phone Number | The phone number of the outlet | Yes |
9 | County | The county of the outlet | Yes |
10 | Merchant Type |
| Yes | Must be one of the following values:
11 | Geographic Area |
| No | Must be one of the following values:
12 | Stratum |
| Yes | Statum 1 - Stratum 12 |
13 | Latitude |
| No | Must be between -90 and 90 |
14 | Longitude |
| No | Must be between -180 and 180 |
Example of a Merchant record in the CSV file:
0002106|Merchant Test6|Merchant Owner 6|60 Test Drive|Santa Fe|NM|87501|1111111111|Santa Fe|OTC - Over the Counter|Frontier|Stratum 1|50|170
SYNAR Person File Specifications
Field | Name | Description | Required | Validation |
1 | Person Type | Adult or Youth | Yes | Must be either Adult or Youth. |
2 | First Name | The first name of the person | Yes |
3 | Last Name | The last name of the person | Yes |
4 | Date of Birth | The date of birth of the person | Yes |
5 | Gender | Female or Male | Yes | Must be either Female or Male |
6 | Effective Begin Date | The begin date for this person | Yes |
7 | Effective End Date | The end date for the person | Yes for Youth | End Date must come before Youth’s 18th birthday |
8 | Location NPI | The NPI of the Provider Location, as defined in STAR | Yes |
Example of a Person record in the CSV file:
Synar Visit File Specifications
Field | Name | Description | Required | Validation |
1 | Outlet ID | ID of the merchant outlet, as defined in the Manage Merchants section | Yes |
2 | Visit Type ID | Education, Compliance, or Enforcement Visit | Yes | Must be one of the following:
3 | NPI | The NPI of the Provider Location, as defined in STAR | Yes |
4 | Fiscal Year | The corresponding fiscal year of the visit | Yes | YYYY |
Example of a Visit record in the CSV file:
Upload a File
Click the Take Action button underneath the Data File Uploads icon.
Select a File Type: Synar Merchant, Synar Person, or Synar Visit.
Click the Choose File button and select a document to upload.
Click Submit File.