Release Summary: |
Release Detail:
Enhancements have been made to the Incident Report template so that the amount of time it takes to navigate through and fill out a report is greatly reduced. There is now one total page for all Incident Details, one page per Client, one page per Staff, one page per 3rd Party, and one page for the Report Notes.
Email notifications about a specific Incident Report will include a direct link to the Incident Report. Click on “View full report” to be directed to the Incident that the notification is referencing.
The password reset screen has been enhanced to better indicate password requirements. As you begin to create a password, the page will display which of the criteria have been met, and the progress towards the required length of 12 characters.
When all requirements have been satisfied, the “Submit” button will become available. Click Submit to change your password.
The user registration screen has been enhanced to better indicate password requirements. As you begin to create a password, the page will display which of the criteria have been met, and the progress towards the required length of 12 characters.
When all requirements have been satisfied, the “Submit” button will become available. Click Submit to create your account.
A new Incident Type “COVID-19” has been added. This Type includes two Subtypes: Positive Test Result and Exposure to Positive Individual.
Reports that have not yet been submitted for review will have a Status of “Incomplete” rather than “New”. The report’s Status will remain “Incomplete” until the report has either been abandoned, submitted for review, or submitted with review skipped.
The “Download Report PDF” option will only be available for Incident Reports that have reached the Investigation phase. Incidents that have not yet reached Investigation will only have one type of PDF, which can be downloaded using the Survey PDF link.
Oversight/LCA users are able to Delete Incident Reports that have not yet reached Triage. This will mark the Incident with a Status of Abandoned, and allow it to be hidden based on filtering.
Oversight/LCA users are able to Edit Incident Reports, including those where the Report Originator is no longer able to.