Purchases-Add, Edit, Delete, Search
Buyers can add, edit, and delete purchases made for their location.
To add a Purchase.
Click Purchases on the left navigation.
Click the + Icon.
Your Buyer location will default in the Buyer field.
Click the Supplier field and select the supplier.
Click the Purchase Date field calendar icon and select the purchase date.
Click the Distribution field and select the counties the food will be distributed to.
Click the Reference Number field and enter the invoice number of the purchase (if appropriate).
Click the Notes field and enter any notes about the purchase (if appropriate).
Click the + Icon to add Products.
Click the Product drop-down and select a product.
Click the Unit Type drop-down and select Bag, Box, Cup, Kilogram, Ounce, or Pound.
Click the Number of Units field and enter the number of units purchased. (For Cup, Kilogram, Ounce, and Pound you can enter a decimal value Eg 4.2)
Click the Total $ and enter the price of this purchase.
Click the # of Meals and enter the # of meals produced.
Non-meats will include two additional drop-downs:
'Organic or Pesticide Free', 'Conventional'
'Unprocessed', 'Minimally Processed', 'Processed'
Meats category will include two extended drop-downs:
'Organic or grass-fed', 'Conventional'
'Fresh', 'Frozen'
Click the + Icon to add more products.
Click the Trashcan Icon to delete any products or unneeded rows.
Click Save or click Return to list or exit out without saving the purchase.
To Edit a Purchase.
Click Purchases on the left navigation.
Click the Pencil Icon.
Edit the fields as needed.
Click the + Icon to add more products.
Click the Trashcan Icon to delete any products or unneeded rows.
Click Save or click Return to list or exit out without saving the edit to the purchase.
To Delete a Purchase.
Click Purchases on the left navigation.
Click the Trashcan Icon for a Purchase.
The Purchase will be deleted and no longer displayed.
To Search for a Purchase.
Click Purchases on the left navigation.
Click the Search field and enter specific words for the Supplier or Products you are looking for, or select the Start and End date calendars and select dates to view purchases for.
The application will display records.
Remove the search data or dates to return to the previous view.