ASO shall manage contracts between the Member Agencies and Vendor. Member Agencies shall refer to and utilize the most current award of the BHC’s Services Agreement and the ASO. ASO will manage agreements, however, it is the responsibility of each Member Agency to enforce documentation and policies to the vendor.

Scope of Work (SOW) Template shall be utilized to establish SOW. The template is located here: Submit a Scope of Work (SOW) for Processing .

The SOW shall cover What, When, Where, Why, Who, and How within the scope description. This should be broad, yet clear without utilizing technical language. Member Agencies shall ensure that travel is considered and reflected within the scope and budget.

*Separate Scopes of Work should be used for each provider/project/fiscal year*

Scopes of Work are the contract between a Member Agency and a provider. Each Scope of Work should detail what deliverables the provider is expected to deliver for the Member Agency including NMSTAR project name, fund source(s) utilized, costs per deliverable, required supporting documentation or proof of service delivery, (training sign-in sheets, receipts, etc.), as well as the time period the scope covers.

Program Managers are responsible for ensuring that the correct approved services are displayed in NMSTAR thru their read-only access to the vendor/project. For any new services or changes to the vendor/project, Program Managers should contact New services require 4-6 weeks for development, testing, and deployment prior to use by the provider for billing. Please see our Encounters Deck for all services currently available for Project configuration in NMSTAR.

 An Amended/Revised SOW is required to be sent to the provider when: the provider name is incorrect, the project name is incorrect, and there is a change in the deliverables that the vendor is expected to complete for the scope time period. SOWs are sent to Falling Colors via a support ticket to The subject of the ticket should include Member Agency, FY, SOW, Provider Name and Project. Falling Colors sends SOWs to the Signatory Authority via SignEasy.

*Amended SOWs need to be submitted with an explanation/reason for amendment that will be relayed to the Provider when Amended SOW is routed for signature*

Falling Colors will make 4 attempts to contact and remind providers about unsigned documents. After 1 month we will then inform the member agency of the unsigned documents and cease attempts to contact.

Agencies direct Falling Colors to contract with providers that they want to hire to deliver services and submit billing. Falling Colors needs the below information from a Member Agency in order to contact the provider for onboarding:

Once we have this information, Falling Colors will register the new Vendor in NMSTAR and send the required FCC (nonclient or client services based on SOW) Contracts and Member Agency approved SOW to the Provider's Signatory Authority via SignEasy for signature along with the annual Attestation from NMSTAR.

We will then inform the Member Agency when the provider has completed their registration in NMSTAR, signed the required documents, and is ready for the Member Agency to send Falling Colors either an approved Budgetary Letter of Direction (BLOD) or Change Request Form (CRF) to allocate funding to the provider for billing in NMNMSTAR.

Falling Colors will not allocate funding to providers unless there is a signed SOW for the provider/project and a signed Attestation for the provider.

New Providers are provided training on the NMSTAR application to assist them prior to billing.

*Please refer to the How-To section for details on How to submit BLODs and CRFs.

Falling Colors will make 4 attempts to contact and remind providers about unsigned documents. After 1 month we will then inform the member agency of the unsigned documents and cease attempts to contact.

Here is our quick guide to STAR Vendor Registration that our Vendors are sent when we initiate the STAR onboarding process with them.