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Section Summary: An incident report is created detailing: Who the incident needs to be reported to, what type of incident is being reported and by whom, when and where it occurred, what occurred, who was present and what their role was along with any contact information, whether it reported to other organizations/agencies, and finally whether any follow-up occurred. Supporting Documents are uploaded as needed, and the report submitted to a Reviewer, or directly to a State Agency.

Provider Staff and State Agency Triage users have the ability to create new Incident Reports.

For providers:

  • If you submit incidents to CYFD and/or BHSD, select the state agency you are reporting this incident to.

  • If you only submit incidents to a single agency, the system will default the agency the incident is being reported to in the background.

For state agency triage:

  • The system will default the state agency you work for as the agency the incident is being reported to in the background.

Step 1 - Click the + Button

To begin filling out an Incident Report, click “Incidents” in the sidebar, then click the + button at the upper-right of the screen.


Complete all sections of the Incident Report.


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Tips & Tricks

  • As you fill out the Incident Report, you can move sequentially through questions with the tab key or jump between questions using the mouse.

  • As you add information to the Incident Report, your changes will automatically be saved


   Required fields are indicated with an *.




Tips & Tricks


Warning indicators, looking like Stop signs will appear if your answers to any questions are incomplete or incorrectly formatted.


  • .

  • Based on your answers to some questions, you will see additional questions appear. For example, if you


More Information Needed

Sometimes the Incident Report will require additional information, based on an answer you provide. For example, on the Incident Type card, if you check the box indicating “I am completing this report on behalf of someone else,” you’ll need to complete an additional field:


  • select an Incident Type, a new Incident Sub Type field wil display for selection.

   Required fields are indicated with an *.

Step 2 - Complete the Report

Click the Contacts tab and add any contacts related to the incident.

Click the Documents tab and add any videos, photos, or documents related to the incident.

When all the fields have been filled out correctly,


select the Finalize tab.



3 - Abandon or Select a Submission Method

Select what should happen next with your report:

  • Abandon: If your report does not require submission to the LCA, you may abandon the report and it will be archived.

  • Submit for Review: This option should be selected for most reports so they can be reviewed for completeness.

  • Skip Review: This option should ONLY be selected in special circumstances, for example:

    1. Submission of an urgent report occurs at night when no reviewer will be available at the provider location.

    2. The report is exceptionally urgent and needs to reach the LCA immediately.

    3. I believe I am a whistleblower and would like to submit the report anonymously, without review by supervisors.

If the only option you see is Abandon, this indicates you have a missing required field back on the Overview Tab.
