Click the Home Life button in the Member Info section.
Type in a response for ‘How many people live in your home, including you?’
Select a response(s) for ‘Who lives in your home with you?’. Select all that apply, as there are many choices.
Select a response for ‘What is your current living arrangement?’ from the drop-down list.
Select Yes or No for ‘Have you been homeless unhoused at any time in the last 6 months?’. Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.
Select a response(s) for ‘Are you having any problems at home? (check all that apply)’. Select all that apply, as there are many choices.
If the ‘Do not have any of these problems' is not selected, then select Yes or No for ‘Would you like to discuss this with someone?’. Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.