The Services Rendered report can be used to review data on specific encounters utilized in STAR. This report can be filtered to a specific date range, program, or provider.
Click on your Invoices (Lead Agency) link from your Welcome Screen.
Click on the Run Report dropdown under Run Reports for Overview.
Select the Services Rendered report.
Filter the Report by:
From Date: enter a Start Date of the date range you wish to review. (This will default to the 1st of the current fiscal year).
To Date: enter an End Date of the date range you wish to review. (This will default to the current date).
Program: if you oversee multiple programs, you can filter the data to a specific program. This will default to All programs you have access to.
Provider: if you wish to review information for a specific Provider Site, you can select one of the options in the drop-down. This will default to All providers that participate in the project and the date range specified.
Once the report is run, the following values will be displayed in a summary:
Service Category:
Service Count:
Paid Amount:
Outstanding Amount:
Number of Clients:
Number of Providers:
By expanding any of the presented Service Categories, you can locate additional information on the distinct counts of clients and services rendered.