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Table of Contents

Letter of Direction (LOD)

Member Agencies can provide Letters of Direction (LOD) to Falling Colors to take certain actions, for example:

  • Fee schedule changes:

    • Adding/Removing Licensure


    • or Certifications.

    • Adding


    • /Removing Services.

    • Adding


    • /Removing Service Rules.

    • Adding/Removing Rates for Services


    • .

    • Retroactive Service Rate Increases.

  • Making a one-time payment to a vendor without an executed SOW.

  • Reallocations of paid funds to another fund source.

  • Mass Open Billing Window Requests for a project(s).

  • Enabling survey(s) for a new or existing project.

  • Modification of services that are utilized across projects.

Steps to Take (LOD):

  1. Download the LOD Template here:


  1. View file

Use this form to indicate the needed actions and responsibilities of Falling Colors and your Agency.

  1. Ensure your LOD has a unique Title (Re:) that indicates the LOD # and, if needed, the specific intention.

  2. Under Purpose, include a distinct summary of the intention of the LOD, why the requested action is being placed in an LOD, and the final goal result.

  3. If no meeting is needed, please submit the LOD Draft to


  1. Falling Colors.


  1. Drafts of LODs and/or BLODs must be submitted to for FCC review once approved by the Lead Agency and prior to signature routing.



All LODs should include a potential target date, allowing adequate time for LOD signatures and execution.



FCC-reviewed and approved LODs and BLODs must be routed to FCC CEO Jorie Koster-Hale ( for Final Signature and for FCC to implement the LOD in the NMSTAR Application.


Falling Colors will generally execute LODs within 7-14 days after all final signatures are obtained. Please note that LODs involving complex changes may take longer. 



Budgetary Letter of Direction (BLOD)

Budgetary Letter of Direction (BLOD) shall be utilized by Member Agencies for adjustment of any funds within the State General Fund, Federal Fund, Other State Funds, or Special Appropriations.

View file
nameBLOD BHC Letterhead Template.docx


BLODs allow Member Agencies to increase, reduce, or transfer funds each month to reflect program operations. This process will also allow Member Agencies to add programs and funds.

Steps To Take (BLOD):



Approval shall be obtained from internal management identified by each Member Agency with final approval and submission by Agency.  Each agency is provided with a template listing their current fund sources with the allocated amount, unallocated amount, and a column for indicating changes.

If there are any new Projects, Fund Sources, Providers, or other important information, please reach out to Falling Colors ( to schedule a preliminary meeting with our team to discuss these details. These new items must be set up in the Falling Colors application prior to the LOD being submitted for implementation in NMSTAR




This is to ensure FCC is aware of the requested change(s),


can add additional comments, consider impacts, and has reviewed/approved the


LOD for implementation in NMSTAR and it is ready for signature routing.


  1. Once an LOD has been reviewed and approved


  1. by Falling Colors, it must then be routed to FCC CEO Jorie Koster-Hale ( for Final Signature and for FCC to implement the


  1. LOD in the NMSTAR Application.



BLODs must include Admin and GRT amounts when submitted to FCC for review.

Things to Remember (BLOD):


Agencies can only remove funding on an amendment that has not been allocated to providers (Unallocated).


Agencies can only remove the amount or less than the Unallocated amount for a fund source.


Agencies can add new fund sources and amounts on the template, as well as stating to what providers they want amounts allocated.


Agencies can only designate allocations to providers that total any amount added + the Unallocated amount for a fund source.


Agencies must have their template completed and routed to the Collaborative by the 25th of each month.


For agencies that wish to remove funding that has been allocated to providers - they must send CRFs in via email to listing the providers and amounts to return to the Unallocated funds for the fund source prior to the next amendment.


Each Member Agency should establish criteria for who is allowed to submit CRFs (Director or Financial Manager).


Each Member Agency should establish a process for review and approval of the BLOD, and whether they have different approvals required based on $ amount added or subtracted.


Falling Colors will not allocate funding to providers unless there is a signed SOW for the provider/project and a signed Attestation for the provider. See our guide on How to Submit a SOW for more information.



Prior to signature, please ensure all requested actions are accurate to the intention of the LOD and understood by all parties.


All LODs should include a potential target date, allowing adequate time for LOD signatures and execution.


BLODs must include Admin and GRT when submitted to FCC for review.


Falling Colors will only accept 1 BLOD per Member Agency per month.


Falling Colors has been directed by State Agencies to set the Billable order on projects to spend Federal Funds First followed by State General Funds.

Falling Colors will implement LODs within 7-14 business days after all final signatures are obtained. Please note that LODs involving complex changes may take longer.


BLOD Process:
