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Member Info


  1. Click the Background button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for ‘What brought you in for services today?’

  3. Select Yes or No for ‘Would you like an interpreter?’

  4. Select Yes or No for ‘Do you have a developmental/intellectual disability?’

    1. If Yes, select Yes or No for ‘Do you have an Individual Service Plan or DD Waiver related to your developmental/intellectual disability?

  5. Select Yes or No for ‘Do you have an Emergency Crisis Plan? (If yes, please provide a copy)’

  6. Select Yes or No for ‘Were you referred?’

    1. If Yes, select Yes or No ‘If yes, by whom were you referred?’


  1. Click Save.


  1. image-20250124-180315.pngImage Added

Height and Weight

  1. Click the Height & Weight button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for Height (in inches).

  3. Type in a response for Weight (in pounds).

  4. After the Height and Weight are entered, BMI is automatically calculated.

  5. Click Save.


Exam Dates

  1. Click the Exam Dates button in the Member Info section.

  2. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last physical exam or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  3. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last dental exam or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  4. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last vision exam or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  5. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last hearing exam or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  6. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last bone density exam or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  7. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last mammogram or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  8. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last PAP smear or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  9. Select a date from the calendar picker for the Date of the last prostate exam or select ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

  10. Click Save.


Care Team

  1. Click the Care Team button in the Member Info section.

  2. Select a Care Coordinator from the Name drop-down list.

    1. This list is populated from the Profile Staff list in Vendor Registration.  Contact your Vendor Admin if a name does not appear in this list.

  3. Type in a Name for Primary Care Provider.

  4. Type in a Phone Number for the Primary Care Provider.

  5. Type in a Name for Behavioral Health Therapist.

  6. Type in a Phone Number for Behavioral Health Therapist.

  7. Type in a Phone Number for Behavioral Health Therapist.

  8. Type in data for up to 4 additional care team members.

  9. Click Save.



  1. Click the Demographics button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for the Name of the person filling out the assessment.

  3. Select a response for the Relationship of the person filling out the assessment to the person coming in today from the drop-down list.

    1. If ‘Other’ is selected from the drop-down list, type in a response.

  4. Select Yes or No for ‘Are there cultural or religious preferences that you would like your provider to be aware of today?’

    1. If Yes is selected, type in a descriptive response.

  5. Click Save.


General Health

  1. Click the General Health button in the Member Info section.

  2. Select Yes or No for ‘Are you currently in any physical pain?’

    1. If Yes, indicate how much the pain is by selecting a response from the 0-10 scale.

    2. If Yes, type in a response for ‘Where is your pain?’

  3. Select Yes or No for ‘Have you ever had a traumatic brain injury (head injury, concussion)?’

  4. Select Yes or No for ‘Do you need help with transportation to appointments?’

  5. Select a response from the Excellent-Poor scale for general, physical health.  Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.

  6. Select a response from the Excellent-Poor scale for general, mental health.  Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.

  7. Select Yes or No for ‘Have you had any psychiatric hospitalization in the last 6 months?’.  Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.

  8. Select Yes or No for ‘Are you currently taking atypical psychotropic medications, such as Ability, Clozaril, Zyprexa, Seroquel, Risperdal, or Geodon?’.  Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.

  9. Select a response from the Not bothered at all – Bothered a lot scale for ‘How much are you bothered by medication side effects (for example, shaking and trembling, not being able to think clearly, gaining or losing weight, or sexual problems)?’.  Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.

  10. Click Save.



  1. Click the Diagnosis button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for Diagnosis.

  3. Click Save.


Disaster Plan

  1. Click the Disaster Plan button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for Disaster Preparedness Plan.

  3. Click Save.


Home Life

  1. Click the Home Life button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for ‘How many people live in your home, including you?’

  3. Select a response(s) for ‘Who lives in your home with you?’. Select all that apply, as there are many choices.

  4. Select a response for ‘What is your current living arrangement?’ from the drop-down list.

  5. Select Yes or No for ‘Have you been homeless at any time in the last 6 months?’. Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.

  6. Select a response(s) for ‘Are you having any problems at home? (check all that apply)’. Select all that apply, as there are many choices.

    1. If the ‘Do not have any of these problems' is not selected, then select Yes or No for ‘Would you like to discuss this with someone?’. Select ‘Prefer not to answer’ if appropriate.


Current Providers

  1. Click the Current Providers button in the Member Info section. 

  2. Click the teal +Add button under ‘Current health/mental health care providers, including specialists’.

    1. Enter a Name

    2. Enter a Phone Number

    3. Select Yes or No for ‘Do you want them to be part of your Care Team?’

    4. If there are more care providers to add, repeat Step 2.

    5. If there are any care providers to remove, click Remove next to that care provider.

  3. Click Save.

    1. All goals and corresponding dates will not be retained if you do not click Save.



  1. Click the Resources button in the Member Info section.

  2. Select all options that may apply under ‘Community Resources and Services Being Utilized’

    1. For each option selected, there is a range of corresponding Services that will appear in the next column and be made available to select. Selection of these services is not required.

  3. Select all options that may apply under ‘Needed Community Resources and Services’

    1. For each option selected, there is a range of corresponding Services that will appear in the next column and be made available to select. Selection of these services is not required.


Service Plan

  1. Click the Service Plan button in the Member Info section.

  2. Type in a response for Member Goals.

  3. Type in a response for Future Opportunities / Deferred Goals.

  4. Click the teal +Add button under Short-term Goals; 0-3 Months.

    1. Type in a response for Goal (box 1). Select a date from the calendar picker for the Initiated Date (box 5).

    2. Type in a response for Intervention (box 2). Select a date from the calendar picker for the Targeted Date (box 6).

    3. If there is progress to record, type in a response for Progress (box 3). If progress is recorded, select a date from the calendar picker for Updated Date (box 7).

    4. If there is an outcome to record, type in a response for Outcome (box 4). If an outcome is recorded, select a date from the calendar picker for Achieved (box 8).

    5. If there are any more short-term goals to add, repeat Step 2.

    6. If there are any short-term goals to be removed, click Remove next to that set of goals & dates.

  5. Click the teal +Add button under Long-term Goals; 3-12 Months.

    1. Type in a response for Goal (box 1). Select a date from the calendar picker for the Initiated Date (box 5).

    2. Type in a response for Intervention (box 2). Select a date from the calendar picker for the Targeted Date (box 6).

    3. If there is progress to record, type in a response for Progress (box 3). If progress is recorded, select a date from the calendar picker for the Updated Date (box 7).

    4. If there is an outcome to record, type in a response for Outcome (box 4). If an outcome is recorded, select a date from the calendar picker for Achieved (box 8).

    5. If there are any more long-term goals to add, repeat Step 3.

    6. If there are any long-term goals to be removed, click Remove next to that set of goals & dates.

  6. Click the teal +Add button under Self Management Goals.

    1. Type in a response for Goal (box 1). Select a date from the calendar picker for the Initiated Date (box 5).

    2. Type in a response for Intervention (box 2). Select a date from the calendar picker for the Targeted Date (box 6).

    3. If there is progress to record, type in a response for Progress (box 3). If progress is recorded, select a date from the calendar picker for the Updated date (box 7).

    4. If there is an outcome to record, type in a response for Outcome (box 4). If an outcome is recorded, select a date from the calendar-picker for Achieved (box 8).

    5. If there are any more Self Management goals to add, repeat Step 4.

    6. If there are any self-managed goals to be removed, click Remove next to that set of goals & dates.

  7. Click Save.

    1. All goals and corresponding dates will not be retained if you do not click Save.
