This guide is for users with an the Buyer Administrator role. Inviting Users
Step 1 - Navigate to User Management
From the home screen, click “User Management” in the left sidebar. If you don’t see this option, this means you do not have the Administrator required permissions.
Step 2 - Click the + to Invite New Users
Click the + Button in the bottom right of the screen to send invitations to new users.
Step 3 - Enter the Email Addresses of New Users
Enter the email addresses of the users you wish to invite. Use a comma, the space bar, or the Enter/Return key on your keyboard to separate email addresses, then you can enter another. You can delete email addresses by clicking the x next to each email address.
Step 4 - Choose Roles for the New Users
Check the boxes beside the roles to be granted to all of the users you entered above.
Buyer Administrators can invite other users, set permissions, and reset passwords, as well as perform all functionality that Buyers can, at their location.
Buyers can manage Budgets and Purchases at their location.
Step 5 - Send Invites
When you have at least one email entered and the correct roles selected, the “Send Invites” button will become active, indicating your invites can be sent.