To have a new Buyer Organization added please send an email to
Be sure to include:
Field Name | Type | Required? |
Buyer Name | 100 Alpha Numeric Characters | Yes |
Street Address | 100 Alpha Numeric Characters | Yes |
City | 50 Alpha Characters | Yes |
State | List of US States, defaulted to NM | Yes |
Zip Code | 9 Numeric Characters | Yes |
First Name | 50 Alpha Characters | Yes |
Last Name | 50 Alpha Characters | Yes |
Phone Number | 20 Alpha Numeric Characters | No |
Email Address | 200 Alpha Numeric Characters | Yes |
Is Primary Contact | Checkbox or Indicator | No |
System Admins can add new Buyers, edit their profiles, and delete Buyers as needed.
To add a Buyer
Click the + Icon.
Click the Enter data for the displayed fields and click Save.